A Magical Story Of Sameer – A Journey To The Magic Castle

  • 2nd June 2018

A book called “The Secrets” by Rhona Byrne says about the law of attraction where in it says that, “like attracts like” and that focuses both positive as well as negative thoughts that one can bring about the same results. The book “The Secrets” says the truth and we can say this because it happened with Sameer Dnyaneshwar.

Magic Castle, Hollywood USA was one the dream places that Sameer always wanted to visit. The Magic Castle is the place where a magician performs magic and performing magic in Magic Castle is allowed only to the registered magicians.

On 25th Feb 2010 on his journey, Sameer was once interviewed by Parvin Muley from Maharashtra Times News magazine and was questioned “What is your dream?” he answered “My dream is to visit the place of magicians “ Magic Castle, Hollywood USA ”

Sameer was so obsessed with Magic Castle that he also had a big poster of it on his wall along with a map that directs the way to the Magic Castle. Staring at the poster and looking at the map is what he used to do when he use to be free. He was so obsessed that many a times he got dreams about him performing at the Magic Castle.

After two years at one of his stage shows in the U.S, one of the spectators was so impressed with his magic and came to him and asked, “Do you know about the Magic Castle? And his answer was obvious; Yes!

The person asked him for a visit to the magic castle and asked him to perform a show and then gave him his visiting card. Looking at that person’s visiting card, Sameer was out of his words and that is because that person was Mr. Darren Ross, the manager of the magic castle and suits. Mr. Ross was so impressed with Sameer’s magic show that could not stop himself to invite Sameer for a lunch at the magic castle. Sameer is soon going to be a member of the magic castle. It was Sameer’s lifelong dream to visit the castle and this is the most unforgettable story of Magician Sameer’s life.  He still believes the law of attraction and commitment in his works and so do we.

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